Sunday, November 23, 2014

"How to Save a Life" through Music

So girls, how many of you have seen the TV series, One Tree Hill? And boys, let's face it, you all know you've probably heard of it too, don't lie.  One of the main characters of the show, Peyton Sawyer, had a traumatic life as a young adult growing up. There were many times where she hit rock bottom due to the trials and tribulations of life, feeling so depressed, so mad, or so scared, that she felt she could not go on any longer.  Peyton had a strong passion for music, though, and in a quote from her to her unborn daughter, she explains how her love of music had saved her, as well,as the power it has to save others.  She says, "The Honorary Title, Matthew Ryan, The Cure, Audio Slave, Hayley James-Scott, they are all on here.  It's music to set your life to, and music always helps, no matter what you're going through.  So, if you flunk a big test, or you have a really bad breakup, or you just miss someone so bad it hurts, then listen to my playlist '100 Songs to Save Your Life,' and it should help." For those of you who know me by now have definitely heard that, just like Peyton, music is my passion.  It is one of the things I love most in my life and it, too, has saved me during my hardest, and darkest times. I believe in music.  I believe in music so strongly that I know it has the power to change, to save a life, any life, and also it has the potential to be a major factor of importance to anyone and everyone, across the globe and around the world.

I believe that music is underappreciated.  Many people believe they know exactly what music is, but there is so much more to music than what meets the ear. To some, music may just be a bunch of songs, sounds or melodies that people can listen to, sing along to. Music is so much more than just background noise though.  In an article called, "Music" from Grolier Online, music is described as an art, that communicates ideas, feelings or states of mind that has the purpose of influencing and stirring the listener.  This description of music is one of the most important aspects, in my opinion.  It has the power to make someone happy when listening to a happy tune, but can instantly make one sad when listening to a sad ballad. Music has been used widely in more everyday activities than most people stop to think about.  It is used in military and athletic activities, education, dance, and is even a huge part of religion.  In an article called "I Believe in Music," the author Sandra Wilder states, "music is a powerful vehicle for transferring emotion.  It's scope of influence can be seen in a broad, public sense and shared with many people simultaneously.  Or, it can convey the most private, intimate thoughts that only two people can share.  One piece of music can mean the same thing to different people at the same time, or it can have different message to the same person at different times depending on what's going on in their life.  When I look around my life and my world, I find countless examples of how music is familiar, but new; timeless, but ever changing; publics, but very private- all at the same time." (Put up quote on PowerPoint) I couldn't have found a better quote to exemplifying exactly how I feel about music.  This woman, like me, has a strong passion for music, but sees its dual function in the world, on people, and this quote really captures the multiple powers of influence that music has over people all over the world, or just one person in general.  

I believe that music has the power to save lives.  One example of the power of music globally is the program El Sistema.  El Sistema is a program that is dedicated to introducing music and instruments into the lives of undeserved or at-risk children.  This program is centered in about 54 different countries.  This shows that music has the power to be a distraction, or a relief from the struggles of daily life.  It has the power to give children hope in order to find hapiness in an unfortunate situation.  One of the most interesting studies I discovered while researching music one day was the use of music as therapy.  Music is now being used in order to heal patients who are traumatized emotionally, mentally, and physically.  Music can helpe premature babies drink formula more and also help babies to sleep.  Music can help cancer patients, people suffering from chronic pain, and people who have suffered brain injuries.  Music can even be used in order to work with autistic patients.  Therefore, it is clear that music has many functions throughout life and it is important for people to realize all of the beneficial qualities of music in order to appreciate it more often.  It is important not to take advantage of music and its importance in our daily lives, and start to recognize the benefits in order to use them to our advantages.

I also believe that music has transformed my entire life and also my entire being.  I remember many times in my life where music was my only outlet for my feelings.  When my parents got divorced, I listened to music in order to get through it, angry music, maybe, but it still helped me cope. When I went through a terrible breakup, you can't even begin to imagine how many sappy love songs I listened to in order to heal. There are times though when I was happy, like when starting a new and healthy relationship.  Listening to romantic and happy, or just fun music is my way of expressing emotions in that respect.  I also love to dance and without music I wouldn't be able to move around to anything! Music is a vital piece in my life.  Ask my family, there isn't a moment that music isn't playing from my phone, from the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed.  I literally feel empty without it playing, crazy ik!, but so true. I tell my best friend almost everyday, "I wish I had a background track for every moment of my life, just like in the movies, it would make my life so much more interesting!" One day I hope to be able to work in the music industry in order to use my passion to spread that passion to others around the world for others and also let it be my daily job.  I have so many future passions and dreams that I hope to pursue in the near future, but all of them express my creativity and are not just typical aspirations.  I want adventure and excitement in my life and a perfect song that exemplifies this is from my all time favorite play and movie, Beauty in the Beast. This song is Belle the Reprise and in this song, Belle sings of wanting more just like me and it goes a little something like this:

(Sing Belle Reprise.)

Thank you. 

                                                                   Works Cited

"Music." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2014. Web. 10, Nov. 2014.

Juslin, Patrik N. and Va ̈stfja ̈ll, Daniel. Emotional responses to music: The need to consider underlying mechanisms. 2014. Web. 10, Nov. 2014. Sistema Website, about tab)



VideoEl sistema [videorecording] : music to change life 

a production of EuroArts Music International in co-production with ARTE France, NHK and SF, SVT, YLE, ETV, TVP and Knowledge Network,

Wilder, Sandra Call. "I believe in music." Student Research Center. EBSCOhost2014Web,. 9 November, 2014. <

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mix it All Together and You Get the Makings of a Ted Talk

During my research on the Library Catalog, I found a DVD there is an El Sistema DVD on the power of music to change life.  This will be useful to me in my speech because I am discussing how music changed my life and how it can sometimes save people in their lives.  This includes a bit on how people introduced music into children's lives who come from poor backgrounds.  These children have nothing in their lives but with the power of music and the introduction of instruments into their lives, it had the power to heal them or inspire hope in their lives.

In another article from the Grolier database, it gives an over view of music in general.  It states how music communicates to people through feelings or states of mind to people's emotions or states of mind.  It also tells how music is important in many different aspects of daily life for different people, such as in athletic and military arts, religious ceremonies and also dance and drama.  It also states that music is intended to "stir and influence the listener".

In an article called, "The Healing Power of Music", it talks about how music is now being used in actual therapy to treat many types of people that need help in their lives.  For example, babies need music to fall asleep now,  to treat children with trauma relief or depression.  It is said that laughter is the best medicine but now music might be.  This helps my argument which is that music has the power to lift people out of hard places and get them to a better place.

Lastly in an article called, "I Believe in Music", it talks about how music transfers emotions. It is the purpose of song and the author gives a personal example, like I will do for my speech and may get good ideas from this article on how to structure my own personal story.

Friday, November 7, 2014

4 Research Materials for Ted Tallks: Music

"Music." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2014. Web. 10, Nov. 2014.

Juslin, Patrik N. and Va ̈stfja ̈ll, Daniel. Emotional responses to music: The need to consider underlying mechanisms. 2014. Web. 10, Nov. 2014. Sistema Website, about tab)


One Tree Hill Season 6 Episode 22 Peytons Goodbye Video - YouTube

May 6, 2009 - Uploaded by Tinl


VideoEl sistema [videorecording] : music to change life 

a production of EuroArts Music International in co-production with ARTE France, NHK and SF, SVT, YLE, ETV, TVP and Knowledge Network,

Wilder, Sandra Call. "I believe in music." Student Research Center. EBSCOhost, 2014. Web,. 9 November, 2014. <

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What will you Ted Talk?

1.) music
2.) underage drinking, lowering the drinking age
3.) overcoming heartbreak and loss
4.) rules restricting minors when driving

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Universal Language of Song

This is the Ted Talk that spoke to me the most out of them all because, like me, this woman has a strong love and passion for music.  She sees the way music can make you feel a million mixed emotions and wishes to spread the beauty of this music around the world or to as many people as she can.  She brilliantly touches on the appreciation of younger kids when listening to music but feels that as people get older, they start to use judgment instead of just listening along to the music and letting it take you wherever it is supposed to, emotion-wise.

The way she talked, even with her thick accent was a good, slow pace and she annunciated the words most important to her purpose for speaking, which is inspiring people to love her music.  It was great that she interacted with the audience, playing the video and also the piano live, in order to keep the audience intrigued and entertained.  It was a moving speech that kept me excited to continue my passion for music and also inspired me to keep spreading my passion to everyone I touch in my life as well.