Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Universal Language of Song

This is the Ted Talk that spoke to me the most out of them all because, like me, this woman has a strong love and passion for music.  She sees the way music can make you feel a million mixed emotions and wishes to spread the beauty of this music around the world or to as many people as she can.  She brilliantly touches on the appreciation of younger kids when listening to music but feels that as people get older, they start to use judgment instead of just listening along to the music and letting it take you wherever it is supposed to, emotion-wise.

The way she talked, even with her thick accent was a good, slow pace and she annunciated the words most important to her purpose for speaking, which is inspiring people to love her music.  It was great that she interacted with the audience, playing the video and also the piano live, in order to keep the audience intrigued and entertained.  It was a moving speech that kept me excited to continue my passion for music and also inspired me to keep spreading my passion to everyone I touch in my life as well.  

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