Sunday, October 19, 2014

Let's Get Ready to Rumble....It's Debate Time

My personal positions on the chosen debate topics are:
-homework should NOT be banned
-video games ARE too violent

Homework Being Banned: Pros and Cons

-promotes good studying habits 
-reduces time watching tv, playing video games, texting, etc(using any form of technology which is less beneficial for the brain)
-gives practice for the lessons learned in class so that a student can get used to the material and also perfect it (muscle memory)
-helps students to get better scores on tests
-let's parents see what their children are doing in school
-life is always filled with things we don't like to do but we have to do them in order to get better or we have to follow rules
-teaches self discipline, time management and many more non academic life skills
-helps in preparation for standardized testing, which school systems are obsessed with (the results and scores)
-helps students think more deeply on subjects, reviewing notes 

-students get frustrated if homework is not graded quickly and they cannot learn what they did wrong or if they are doing the material right
-causes stress and is more of a burden than it is helpful, most students just do busy work and are not really trying in their homework to understand, just want credit and good grades
-can interfere with family life and spending quality time with certain people (friends, family, boyfriends or girlfriends) and can also get in the way of helping out around students' houses (chores, shopping, etc.)
-students can cheat on homework and have family members, friends or tutors do it for them
-homework prevents students from sleeping enough, students go to bed too late doing homework or wake up early to finish, most students are too tired from the day to do more work and don't perform to the best of their abilities
-adolescents need to also have a social life to experience the younger, easier times in life( play sports, work, community service, hobbies like music, etc.)
-studies show that homework has no direct effect on performance on testing and grades
-takes the joy out of learning for students, makes school a second shift and students are less enthusiastic 

Video Games Being Violent: Pros and Cons

-many kids know the difference of reality vs. fantasy so it is merely a form of meaningless entertainment
-if used in moderation, they can enhance motor coordination and can also help children to analyze a situation quickly and react even quicker
-can be a form of stress relief for children 
-helps concentration on visual ideas and images
-can help children with an interest in any division of the armed forced to get a sense of what they are about and can also prepare them for what being enlisted entails 

-gives children a cold-hearted view of th world and people, may produce aggressive thoughts, actions and attitudes
-whe the game presents an image of the player being the shooter, it allows for the child to be desensitized in the sense of killing another living being( shooting, knifing, etc.)
-used to train in the military to get used to killing, not to train young boys for fun
-gets in the way of schoolwork and studying, chores, socializing, etc.
-people involved in school shootings were invested in "first-person" violent video games
-more fearful of the world and people 
-can also affect a child's diet and physical activity, unhealthy

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