Monday, October 13, 2014

Spoken Word Poetry- Perfection


Have you ever experienced perfection?
Not many people have,
and many dream of the different ways in which perfection can be achieved.
Perfection may be different for many people though.

Perfection can be as simple as the stars twinkling bright against the dark-black midnight sky.
Perfection can be the explosion of a firework,
its lasting image remaining high up in the sky, 
admired intimately by its beholder. 
Large grins spread across faces as the familiar echo of the inviting boom is recognized,
and it too is admired with great appreciation.

Perfection, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.
Perfection can be experienced in a moment of pure happiness,
and can be forgotten just easily as it can come.

A long, lost friend once said that perfection can come with a person.
This one person resembled perfection, 
and whenever that person was present, no other moment has ever been more perfect.
Everything at that moment falls into place,
just with the arrival of that one special being.

This next statement may seem crazy, 
but all of these smaller moments of perfection can blend together into one single moment,
with that one special person,
and then and only then,
has true perfection been achieved.

So I’ll pose the question again,
and think intently before you answer.
Have you really ever experienced perfection?

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